Thursday, January 24, 2013

Last night, I was going through my fridge to rid it of anything that may be in danger of spoiling any time soon. I found a whole pinapple, and a grapefruit that needed to be used up so I decided to juice them. I thought, " what would be good to add to these ingredients?" I took a second look and got some apples, parsley (which my roommate Iman suggeted) and a couple lemons.
It made the most angelically deligious beverage I've had in a long time. To make things even more awesome, after a couple of days of drinking this stuff, it did wonders for my skin!

Here's the recipe:

1 whole pineapple
1 grapefruit
3 apples
2 lemons
1 bunch of parsley
2 inches of ginger (for a little kick)

If you've got a juicer, give it a try and let me know how you like it :)

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Thanks again for reading!

-stay calm and love you're natural hair ;)

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